You Know You Grew Up Playing Piano If...

You Know You Grew Up Playing Piano If...

1. You really do believe that practice makes perfect

Sure, you may not have wanted to practice that often when you were younger but look  at you now! You understand that putting in the work gets results and have come to enjoy the process


2. You have a great appreciate for all types of music

Of course you enjoy classical music but you also have an ear for everything modern. You can say that you have the best of both worlds.


3. You know a lot about many different composers

How can you not? You spent a good portion of your childhood learning about them. Trivia night, anyone?


4. You continue to benefit from the experience

Studies have shown that playing piano not only makes you smarter, but also relieves stress, helps you learn foreign languages, and helps prepare you for the future. Learning how to play piano helped you develop patience, teaches you how to prepare, and shows you the value of hard work. These are important skills that can be applied to many other parts of your life.


5. You remember how to play certain pieces many years later

Playing piano can often be like riding a bike; you never truly forget. Sometimes the hardest pieces that you took your time to master get stuck somewhere in your subconscious. If you pass by a piano your fingers start itching and it’s almost like muscle memory takes over.

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