Knowing When a Song Is Good to Go

Knowing When a Song Is Good to Go

Every race has a finish line. Every project has the goal of completion. So a songwriter has to decide when a song being composed is done and ready for public consumption. But even then, there might be more developments in store.


Considering the wide variety of music and the individual nature of each creator, it's easier to generalize about the end-game than get too specific. Ultimately, the composer needs to be confident there's nothing more that would make a piece better.


There are some steps to help a writer approach such satisfaction. First, it's important to decide what idea or feeling is intended by the composition, and then find out if the intent is being realized. That can be achieved by playing the song for knowledgeable peers. Fellow songwriters can be a solid resource in a workshop situation. Solicit their opinions, and be willing to listen to constructive criticism and rework the song until those who hear it can "get" it as planned.


When you feel that the melody, words and structure of a piece are locked in with no adds or subtractions necessary, the next step is to perform it for an audience. Depending on the nature of the performance and on the feedback received, you might consider a few tweaks. In fact, certain authors are compelled to change elements of nominally completed songs over time in an ongoing pursuit of the best possible results. On the other hand, sometimes it's better to simply go with what works.  

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