Igniting the Creative Impulse

Igniting the Creative Impulse

For some fledgling artists, a watershed moment occurs at an early juncture in their lives that points to their future pursuits. Something happens to let them know they're on the right path, with a certain destiny ahead. Perhaps a family member or a teacher hears or sees them dabbling in their chosen field and encourages them to keep at it. An inspiring event or even a trauma can trigger a need or desire to reveal what's inside one's heart and mind, to show and tell the world, "This is who I am."

When talent conspires with self-expression and initiative, the die is cast. Do all aspiring musicians, actors, designers, dancers, writers, etc. experience a catalyst that can turn a hobby or diversion into a potential career or a mission? Maybe. Maybe not. But if you've chosen to take your creative side seriously and make every effort to be the best you can be at your craft, ISINA's staff and mentors provide the sort of guidance and expertise that will help you realize your dreams and reach your goals.

Did anyone or anything in your past inspire and convince you to embrace your art, foster it and make it shine? If so, we'd love to hear about it, so feel free to tell us the story.

#Isina  #Frank Gambale  #music  #creative  #Igniting the Creative Impulse 
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