Richard Marx's top three most influential people

Richard Marx's top three most influential people

Every artist needs people around them that influence them and make them better performers. Here’s a list of legendary singer Richard Marx’s most influential people during his childhood years.

Lois, his maternal grandmother played a huge role in Richard’s life. She instilled the love of classic films and always challenged Richard with her trivia knowledge from the 1930s to the 1950s. Richard was 26 when she passed.

Ruth, his mom, worked as a singer and sang on commercials that his dad, Dick, wrote and produced. She found her identity in the late ‘70s, around the time of women’s liberation, and went from being subdued and dutiful around the home to being more opinionated and outspoken. She is now 84.

Lynne Harwich was Richard Marx's first childhood crush. They knew each other from 1st grade and became friends and remain connected. “We talk once a year and still remember each other’s birthdays.”

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